
Chum solo tripping canoe


The Chum is an excellent and proven canoe for solo tripping, style paddling or a leisurely afternoon getaway. It’s a lightweight canoe that’s easily portaged and it’s one of the famous Chestnut Canoe Company’s Pleasure Models.

The Chum was originally built as a compact tandem boat but it has really proven itself as a solo tripping canoe. It’s a very stable, quick and agile canoe with a very decent carrying capacity of 300 kg. This canoe comes as close to being the perfect classic solo tripping canoe as you will ever get. It will provide endless joy on lakes and rivers either on trips or while style paddling.


Cedar and glass fabric-epoxy

Our Chum solo tripping canoe is built with western red cedar and laminated with glass fabric and epoxy. The laminate ensures that the wood is sandwiched and never comes into contact with water. In addition, it provides extreme stiffness which makes the canoe very efficient to be paddled.

Solid ash for the outfitting

The gunwales, seat, decks and thwarts are made of ash. Ash is hard, very flexible and relatively light. Because the ash parts of the canoe suffer the most they are coated with double boiled linseed oil to keep them flexible and in good shape. The outwales are screwed to make replacement easy. All screws and bolts are stainless steel.