Emiel's Special Freestyle canoe Abenaki A quick river canoe


A large trekking canoe


An elegant solo canoe


A stable canoe for all-round use

Wooden Canoes: A Tradition of Master Craftsmanship

The Heritage of Wooden Canoes

Wooden canoes have deep roots in the history of North American exploration. In 1880, American artist and historian Edwin Tappan Adney built his first birch bark canoe under the guidance of a Malecite elder in New Brunswick. Over decades, Adney meticulously documented traditional First Nations canoe designs, preserving this invaluable knowledge in his book Bark Canoes and Skin Boats of North America.

At Freeranger Canoe, we are dedicated to honoring this rich heritage. We craft not only the legendary Chestnut Canoe Company models but also faithful recreations of traditional First Nations designs as documented by Adney. Each wooden canoe we build reflects centuries-old techniques, preserving the authentic craftsmanship that defines these iconic vessels.

Tradition Meets Modern Craftsmanship

Our wooden canoes combine the timeless beauty of cedar with modern materials like glass fabric and epoxy, creating a lightweight, durable, and watertight construction. The strip-built design ensures a rigid, efficient canoe that enhances paddling performance. Wooden canoes are easy to repair, and with proper care, can be passed down through generations.

Wooden canoes offer unmatched elegance on the water. Their smooth, graceful glide and ease of portaging provide a paddling experience like no other. Whether you’re paddling a First Nations design or a classic Chestnut model, the craftsmanship of a well-built wooden canoe is unparalleled. Once you experience it, there’s no turning back.

Pal recreational canoe

Prospector, Workhorse of the North

Day Angler Fishing Canoe

Wilderness Guide Expedition Canoe

Chum solo tripping canoe

Emiel's special freestyle canoe

Abenaki river canoe

Passamaquoddy trekking canoe

Atikamekw solo canoe

Malecite all-round canoe

Birch bark canoes and voyageurs

Canoe construction and design were perfected over hundreds if not thousands of years by the North American First Nations. With simple means, such as birch bark and cedar wood they built their elegant and efficient canoes.

Birchbark was an ideal material for canoe construction, being smooth, hard, light, resilient and waterproof. The frames were usually of cedar, soaked in water and bent to the shape of the canoe. The joints were sewn with spruce or white pine roots, which were pulled up, split and boiled.

The art of canoe building was passed on from generation to generation and soon after the colonization the Europeans acknowledged the extraordinary qualities of the boats they came across. The birch bark canoe became the vessel of choice of the voyageurs that opened up the continent for trade.

Wooden Canoes: Maintenance

Our boats are built for life but just as everything you cherish they require your attention and regular maintenance. Wooden canoes are very strong and stiff. Normal use will result in normal wear. We recommend to give your canoe a very carefull inspection each year and retouch any scratches in the varnish. Trim should be oiled 3 to 4 times a year.

Our boats can take a beating. Persistently dragging or rubbing against sharp stones, however, will damage the varnish and ultimately the epoxy-glass fabric layer. If such damage occurs, it’s important to fix it without delay. With some skill repairs are easily done yourself, but of course we also provide the necessary assistance and repair service if needed. do contact us if you need assistance.